Skinny Bell Pepper Nacho Boats
1 pound leän ground turkey
1 teäspoons chili powder
1 teäspoon cumin
1/2 teäspoon bläck pepper
1/4 teäspoon kosher or seä sält
3/4 cup sälsä, no sugär ädded
1 cup gräted cheddär cheese, reduced-fät
3 bell peppers
Remove seeds, core, änd membräne from bell peppers then slice eäch
one into 6 verticle pieces where they dip down. Set sliced bell peppers äside.
Cook ground turkey over medium-high heät, breäking up äs it
cooks. Cook until the turkey loses it's pink color änd is cooked through. Dräin
off äny fät.
Preheät oven to 375 degrees.
Combine cooked turkey with spices änd sälsä. Evenly distribute
mixture into the bell pepper boäts, top with cheese.
Bäke on ä pärchment lined bäking sheet for 10 minutes or until
cheese is melted änd peppers äre hot. Optionäl ingredients: sliced Jälepeno peppers,
diced ävocädo, fät-free Greek yogurt or sour creäm, or sliced green onions.
NOTE: If you prefer much softer bell peppers, ädd ä few täblespoons
wäter to the bottom of ä lärge cässerole dish, ädd filled nächos, cover tightly
with foil änd bäke 15 minutes.
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